Ahsan Qawl-IHeart Radio Player

Ahsan Qawl-Islamic Radio: Spreaker Player

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How strange is the affair of the believer!

On the authority of Abi Yahyaa bin Suhaib Sinaan  he said that The Prophet Muhammad mentioned: “How strange is the affair of the believer! For indeed, in all of his affairs there is well being . And this is not the case with anyone else except for the believer. For if there befalls him any good, he thanks (Allah), and as a result it is better for him, and if there befalls him a calamity, he endures it patiently, and as a result it is better for him.”

Reported by Imaam Muslim #2999

Inshaa Allah will resume posting and updating this blog soon


Thuriayaa said...

assalamualikum brother,

i had been waiting for your posts about your moving and how things are with you and which place are you all going to?

i hope you will have time to do this.


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