Ahsan Qawl-IHeart Radio Player

Ahsan Qawl-Islamic Radio: Spreaker Player

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ahsan Qawl Radio: Clarifying the False Misconceptions Regarding Al-Islaam" series...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"Live with Mashayakh"

"Clarifying the False Misconceptions Regarding Al-Islaam" series...

Speaker: Sheikh Abu Ishaaq Al-Qaisee

Time: Sunday at 9.00am (Yemen)

Sheikh Abu Ishaaq will be addressing some of the false misconceptions and doubts that are propagated regarding the Deen of Al-Islaam. Whether it may be from non-Muslims or Muslims themselves due to their ignorance and lack of knowledge.

Questions regarding the topic can be sent to the whats app chat room for Ahsanqawl or by email: ahsanqawl@gmail.com
by Friday

Links for Listening:

IHeart Radio

جزاكم الله خيرا


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